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Platte River Academy

Architecture Committee

It's an Exciting Time to be Part of PRA's Architecture Committee

This committee is developing an architectural redesign (master) plan addressing current and future building needs. Those plans are outlined below in three phases. We are currently in Phase II, with installation of a new playground scheduled to be complete by fall 2022. Discussion is also underway about the best way to expand programming and building space, as outlined in Phase III.

The Architectural Steering Committee meets on an ad hoc basis. See our school calendar for specific dates and times.

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PRA's Master Plan

Phase I

Projects: Remodeled, more secure entry, renovation of student restrooms, and updated and upgraded HVAC systems.  

Funding: Platte River Academy is not using mill levy override funds for our capital projects. We were awarded a grant through Douglas County Government for the front entry remodel and received bond funds from the 2018 school district bond for the HVAC project. 

Status: This phase will be completed in Summer 2022.

Total budget: $1.8 million 

Phase II

Projects: Updating our playground and relocating our field and parking lot. The goal is to have more age appropriate options for students to use during recess and to increase safety for field use. 

Flipping the parking lot and the field will remove the need to have students cross cars during pick up and drop off.  Moving the field off of Colorado will keep playground balls off the road and will increase the buffer of cars and the public from PRA students.  

Status: The PRA community has raised $133,000 for new playground structures, which will be installed by Fall 2022.

Total budget: $3.5 million 

Phase III

Projects: Through the architecture committee's five-year work, including parent focus groups, it has been determined that our limited gym size and lack of cafeteria present limitations for our programming.  Currently the limited acreage on our existing property is unable to meet these future needs. 

It has also been identified that a performance space would be a welcome addition. Currently PRA has to rent off-site facilities for middle school plays and graduation. In addition, our school-wide events like the talent show necessitate the need for dividing into two performance sessions. An expansion of an additional site would greatly increase our rental income potential which could help offset the cost of this expansion.  

Status: We are working with the school district and other entities to investigate a secondary site.

Total budget: $15 million
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